Saturday, November 12, 2016

New Experiences in Life

Teddy has had a girlfriend now for 9 months.  I have to say he really did a fantastic job at picking an amazing girl that I wouldn't mind having around for the rest of our lives.  I am fascinated by the kind and thoughtful person he has become and this is magnified with how he treats his girlfriend. I am also surprised to see how uninhibited he is around his mom when it comes to giving her a kiss goodbye! 

One Has Made It To College

How did this happen? Teddy started taking college classes when he was 16 at the community college. He then asked me to graduate him at 17 since he wanted to start going to college full time. He now has transferred to a four year university and he wants to study Nursing.
Many people tell me that I was a good teacher because of the success he has been experiencing. I have to disagree. I was his tour guide, the one who would make small suggestions. He was the one who took ownership of his learning. Teddy is the one who has been working hard for his goal. Teddy is the one who is learning all that he did not learn in the years before college. I am excited to see his self direction and motivation, but to give me credit for this, no. Teddy did it. He is the one who was the researcher, I watched from the side and guided him when he needed it. I was not his teacher, I was his parent.

World Series Champions, Cubs Win!


I ventured out on a photo project called reflection I bring my glasses to various places and ask for people to wear them as I take a picture. When I called this piece reflection it is because of the reflection in the glasses and it's the reflection of the story. 

 The woman on the left is 88 years old. She said she watched the Cubs win after waiting all of these years. She would bring her kids to Wrigley when they did well on their report cards, she has not been back to the ball field until this day I asked her for her photo. Look at her all decked out in her Cubs gear!

The woman on the right was so delightful. She was giddy to be at the ball park. She was so proud to be part of this experience.

I wrote my dad's name on the wall. My reflection of the cubs brings me to my dad. I would come home from school and there was my dad watching the cubs game, I think that is where I learned all my swear words :) He was a loyal fan and the day before he died in 2013 they were almost to the world series. I remember telling him about the game as he laid in his bed not comprehending much because of the brain tumor. I will always have the memories of my dad linked with the Cubs. He would have been so happy this day! I probably would her a few swears flying here and there through the last game!

 CUBS WIN! Chicago Wins! 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

My Next Journey

I started a photography business!

It has been so many years since I have written on this blog. I am coming back to it for a few reasons, but the number one reason is everywhere I read I need to have a blog for my photography business. What a photography business, that's right!

The children have grown and changed but I continue to homeschool and learn through life. The new lesson I am teaching is starting a business. I did not ever think these were the new shoes I would be walking in, yet here I am. Renaissance Man always thought I should start a business in Parent Counseling.  I guess if people are interested in some parenting tips after the photoshoot I could always share a few.

My dear oldest has become a highly motivated teenager that is pursuing a career in nursing at this point. He has been a life learner all through his school years. He became a concurrent college student at 16 and this year, at 17, he has gone full time.

Froggy is still finding what he likes and what he is good at. If you ask me he is good at guiding others without giving them the answers, a teacher.

LS is dancing and in theater. She likes to be evil when acting and play a lot of minecraft. 

I will tell you more about the start of my business next time.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Cake Pops

I got a wonderful opportunity to make cake pops the other day with some friends.

Pam gave us a great class in how to make these delicious cake pops!

First you have to crumb the cake.
 Rub two cake chunks together and then walla, you have bowl full of crumbs.

Next add frosting. At Pam's class we used can frosting. When I made these again I used a homemade cake and frosting recipe.  Either one can be used. Be sure to mix the frosting until it is fully incorporated into the crumbs.

Using a cookie scoop we scooped and rolled balls.  Lots and lots of balls!
Put the balls on a parchment lined cookie sheet and place them in the refrigerator. 
 (Pam had a batch made for us already so it was like watching food network.  The finished cake balls were ready within seconds.)

Next melt the chocolate.  Dip the sticks in the chocolate and stick it into the ball.
Pam suggested sticking the pop into a floral green Styrofoam thing to keep them from rolling away.
We didn't want to sing "On top of the counter, all covered with chocolate, I lost my poor cake ball when somebody sneezed...."

Next you dip the ball into the melted chocolate and tap the stick
on the edge until the chocolate has mostly dripped off.

Then Decorate!

Decorate some more. Until......

you are finally done!
I love the reindeer because they turned out so stinking cute!!!!

Of course I had to share.


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Teenage Boy

what my teenage boy has been doing lately

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Picking

Some people go to the Pumpkin Farm and pay money per poundage for their pumpkins.  We pay our money for the seeds and plant the pumpkins. 

The yard becomes a viney mess and when mowing the grass you have to go around the patch.

The viney mess in the yard
But it is all worth it on the day when Pumpkin Picking time is here!

"How many more pictures mom?"

"I planted this one!"

This one is mine!

Heavy?  A Little.
Finally strong enough to cut his own!

A thick stem is hard to cut

Before we carve these we will weigh them to see how heavy they are.  By having the pumpkins right there in our yard we are able to watch the growth from a seed, to a bloom, to a flower, to a green pumpkin and then finally a pumpkin.  Now for the vine clean up (always wear gloves the vines are very pokey)!