She had the loudest purr. Anyone could pet her and she would show her affection by rubbing up against their leg. Rennisance man would say she was like a dog. Nimby would greet people at our door and not stop trying to win them over until they had to finally resist her charms and petted her.
Even in the last year of Nimby's life she was tolerant of L.S. treating her as a best friend. L.S. would pick Nimby up and bring her to her bedroom to read stories to her and dress her up!
Nimby was my alarm clock. Every morning at 4:30 I would hear her click, click, of her nails and then thump. There she was cuddling into me so I would get out of bed and do my workout. How will I wake up without my most favorite alarm clock?
When we finally had to put her down the vet office made a little plaster cast of her paw. We brought her home in a box (the kids refused to let us cremate her) and buried her under our peach tree. Every day L.S. goes outside and talks to her. Sometimes children can deal with death so much better then adults.
It is so hard to loose a member of your family after 17 years! Nimby truly was the best cat in the whole wide world to us.