Friday, April 29, 2011

Saving for a goal!

Teddy wanted to buy an i-pod touch which cost over $300. Now I don't buy things for the kids, they get gifts from family members and us for Christmas and for Birthdays. Grandma will buy special gifts for them every so often but that has decreased in the past years.

When Teddy wanted to have an i-touch for his music and games I suggested that he started saving his money (honestly I thought this would take well over a year). Teddy asked for Apple Store gift cards for Christmas, and his birthday. He also did a weeks worth of work in the yard cutting down prarie plants, raking wet leaves, and all other wet, cold yucky work. We paid him $100 for this work (well worth it).

Well this gave Teddy in less than a year enough money to buy his i-touch. He ordered it and learned many computer tricks over this experience. I am currently wrestling with the descition in limiting time on it or allowing unlimited amount of time, in hopes he will peter out and become bored with it. Who knows.

I did tell him I would be observing him to decide what the best choice would be, and I would like his thoughts and input in what kind of schedule we should have.

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