Sunday, May 1, 2011

The New Bike

It was time for Froggy to get a new bike. We are so fortunate here in our town, we have a bike swap. All I know about bikes is how to ride them. As for sizing an almost 10 year old, I had no clue. Fortunately we had some help. First we had help from one of my friends dad who was at the swap and gave me some beginning pointers of how to get the right bike. Then I ran into a man I coach swimming to. I have a difficult time asking for help from other people and I told my Froggy that. (It is good to express the feelings I have and show how to conquer them in order to do the right thing).

And then I did it. I actually did it. Right there at the bike swap. I asked for help finding a bike for Froggy from swimming man. It brought me out of my comfort zone, yet I needed help and my kids needed to see how it is okay to ask for help from others, sometimes.

Froggy is a great shopper and found a bike right out of the starting gate!

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