Saturday, May 14, 2011


Recently I have been thinking about all the things that can be feared.  Bin Laden, Poverty, Job loss, getting into the "right" college, heights, falling down on a bike, bees, bee keepers and the list goes on.  But when there are people telling you to fear these things fear becomes stronger for some.  Fear comes at different levels for different people.  I see fear as a destructive part of life and I choose not to let it be a part of mine. 

Okay that is not completely true, when I saw Froggy at almost the top of a very large tree I did fear, I feared he was going to fall.  But then a friend said, wow you should be so proud of him that he made it so high, it was nice to hear a non fearing perspective at that time.  In this case I let my fear over come me and told him to come further down.  I should have probably trusted him that he knew his own abilities and could do it. 

L.S.  was fearful yesterday as she climbed onto her two wheeled bike and went sailing down the hill, but she overcame that fear and started to pedal her bike.  By overcoming fears you learn to live life a little fuller.

The fear of terrorism has been fed to us for years.  I do not fear terrorism, I fear those who hate on the basis of race and religion or non religion.

When my children fear I try to encourage them to get past it.  Like L.S. on the bike, "You can do it, keep going!"

There is that saying there is nothing to fear but fear itself.... so true.

1 comment:

  1. i think it was fun being up there but you wouldnt let me go as high as owen :(
