Thursday, May 5, 2011

Easy Spaghetti your whole family will love!!!

The quickest yummiest Spaghetti ever!
As the Pioneer Woman's blog says "Here are your cast of characters!" 

This Spaghetti recipe was given to my dad by an Italian friend of his.  I remember sitting at the table eating the spaghetti and hearing my dad ask questions like "Is there to much oregano?"  "Did I make it to saucy?"  and the questions went on.  I figured this was normal, my normal, to have the dad do most of the cooking.  When I got married to my wonderful husband, I found out that his mom did all the cooking.  Well that really put us in an interesting situation.  He thought I would do all the cooking and I thought he would.  In the beginning we ate a lot of this recipe, it was one of the only ones I really knew. 

Brown the ground beef.  Or not if you want to make it vegetarian.

Pour the tomato puree, sauce and paste into the pan and stir it together.

Time to add the spices! (we actually grow ours and put them in these jars..)

Add a teaspoon of oregano.  I just eyeball it in my hand. 
My dad's Italian friend said to rub your hands together to mash up the spices more, so I do that.

The recipe says 1 teaspoon of basil, but I like to add more.

Add a few tablespoons of sugar, maybe just one, depends on your tastes.

There is all the ingredients saying "stir me"!
So of course I listen and do it!

If you want the flavors to blend more simmer, if you are like me and always in a hurry go ahead and put it on the spaghetti, or roasted zucchini (that's what I like)

Boil up some spaghetti and....


15 oz can tomato sauce
64 oz can tomato puree
2- 8 or is it 6oz cans of tomato paste
1lb ground beef
spaghetti noodles
1 t. oregano
1t. basil
1 T sugar

cook ground beef.  Add the sauces.  Add the spices and sugar.  Simmer and serve!

1 comment:

  1. That is almost the exact recipe I make! We usually eat it whithout meat but sometimes we add frozen turkey meatballs or meatless meatballs from Trader Joes. I also add parsley, garlic and garlic powder to mine and only 2 teaspoons of sugar. Funny!
