Friday, July 22, 2011


Vacations are suppose to be relaxing and family orientated at least that is what I thought a vacation to Disney was for. 

While at Disney World I did not see a lot of people skipping along holding their child's hands while sucking up the commercialised sites.  Instead I saw families with very straight faces yanking their crying tired child's arm around telling them they had to be happy because they spent a lot of money on this vacation. I even observed one family at dinner let their toddler cry for over an hour.  What kind of childhood memories will that be?

So many people do the vacation planning stuff and forget the part of preparation for their children.  I did not forget that part for our family.

What I learned from my research was to let the kids go back in the middle of the day and swim or just hang out so they were rested for the evening.  L.S. needed this where Teddy and Froggy did not.  This is when we did the split usually around 1:00 (the hottest part of the day).  The boys would stay with Renaissance man and we all would meet up for dinner.  FortunatelyI am blessed with a husband who likes staying up late at night so after L.S., Mom and Grandma got tired Renaissance man would stay to revisit his childhood memories.

As for the parents stressed out and tired... if your child is crying there is a reason.  Any restaurant experience for toddlers is long and tiring, try walking around in the lobby and talk about the things you see it will help shorten their wait time for dinner and they may learn something in the process!

And remember let your kids be themselves.  Notice Teddy he has bunny ears over his L.S.  Nobody in the photo cared so why should I?

This vacation was fun for the kids and I am glad I could be a part of it, but I really think I am ready for a trip out west hiking and exploring!

P.S.  I will have more about our vacation another day.