Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Computers Sucking our time away

I use to not be a big fan of computers. I remember when we first signed up to the Internet. Renaissance man and I were without kids and living it up in our new home when Renaissance man told me he wanted to put money into the Internet. I did not think it was all that necessary but if that's what he really wanted, who was I to say different. He got hooked right away and it took me about 14 more years to become sucked in. Just recently I have began facebook and I think it is a huge time sucking monster, but yet so enticing. I think I may have to quit.

The Internet is also so entertaining! I no longer look up in encyclopedia's what I want to know I go to Google. I have also taught the kids to do the same. Not only do you get great information you also get little videos. Mind you we have received our 2001 computer from a group called freecylcle and it works just fine, but imagine the possibilities of new fangled computers, just imagine the images you can get.... (hear the sound of far away music as I dream) wake up.

Recently I have been not exercising but sitting on the computer, what has become of me? I need to get out of this time sucking monster. It reminds me of the show "Larry Boy and the Bad Apple" which addresses temptation.

I think I will try limit my time just like I do with the kids as 5 year old D.Q. says "Mommy get off the computer it is evil."

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