Monday, November 23, 2009

Here we go....

At last I add myself to the list of bloggers. I hope this does not take me away from my obligations in life. I don't think I have ever been as busy as I am right now. I am part of a team of three putting together homeschooling workshops for children to attend while adults attend their own workshops. I am also involved in a Homeschooling Coop where I teach in a pre-school classroom while my children attend their own classes. In addition to that I also teach in a state funded early childhood program in which I assist teachers with the curriculum in their classrooms. And at last I coach a swim team two nights a week.

Sometimes I wonder why the heck I got so busy, then I remember the costs of the classes my children are in so I continue to work non stop to do my best possible.

The main reason I am beginning this is for a journaling opportunity, I can also add my pictures. Someday when I am old and grey I will have this to read.

Welcome to the beginning.

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