Saturday, October 22, 2011

Foster Beach

                  I love the beach, I hate the beach, I love the beach, I hate the beach and you are not it.

Okay I love the beach, the hot sand, the water, the relaxing on a towel, watching the kids play these are all wonderful qualities of the beach. 

Learning is always happening.  One could see this as a day where the kids played and didn't do "school work".  What I view this as a time to investigate the natural elements in our world.  John Holt said "you can't connect the dots forward but you can connect them backwards".  Who knows maybe Froggy will become a curator at the natural history museum specializing in Lake Michigan ancient sand particles.

L.S. could become a environmentalist activist to keep our water clean because of the respect she has for the water.  Time and many experiences are the only indicators of what they will become in their adult life.  But for now my kiddos are enjoying their childhood life and so am I!

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