Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Waiting Part 2

In confirmation class yesterday all the kids were required to read out loud from the bible and write their thoughts in a journal.  Well I panicked not for Teddy who was there but for Froggy who will have to be there in 2 years.  Yes I know it's 2 years away, but as I have said I don't make them read out loud or show me their writing skills. 

So I had to do this, for my own sanity and this is what the conversation looked like
 "So, Froggy, is this the bible you got?"
  "Yeah ma"
"Have you ever read from it?"
Mom flips through and finds a passage
"Want to read this one from number 24 to 25" (I didn't give him a lot just one with some tough words)
I couldn't believe it!  He read beautifully!  He even read the hard words with no problems. Sigh.   I must trust my children!

Thinking back  Froggy use to read out loud to me simple books and poems for fun while we waited for Teddy to get home from various places.  When he read to me it was his choice but it was soooooo long ago!

Thanks Froggy for calming you mom down.

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